Great tit nest (update)


A rather fuzzy photo of the great tit's nest today. It looks like there are three chicks in the nest and one which may have expired or is sleeping outside. The cold temperatures may well be to blame as at night it is still only a few degrees above freezing. I was not expecting to see any chicks as they have not made a sound up till now but both adults have been busy bringing food, which I assumed was probably for the brooding adult. It's beautiful how they have carefully made the round nest within the box and lined the edges with soft white down.

For more fascinating viewing there is a live webcam of some blue tits nesting in Recke, Germany. Link here: Live webcam blue tits

Later ... In the afternoon, I heard knocking coming from the bird box. A large great spotted woodpecker was trying to get at the chicks, but by the time I get my camera it's gone. An hour later it is back again and determined to have a chick supper. They are quite aggressive birds and those beaks are lethal. Several years ago I photographed a great spotted woodpecker that was causing mayhem in the forest as it tried to get at nuthatch chicks nesting in an old woodpecker tree hole. Still, this may present an opportunity to photograph the woodpecker  close up, so watch this space.

Early evening ... and the woodpecker is back again. Tapping lighlty this time, maybe hoping not to be heard, with its head buried inside the bird box hole! I tap on the window and he's gone. Tomorrow I will try and take a photo.

Undeterred the great tits continue to feed their young at regular intervals.



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