Summer daze

I gaze out the window at the hazy day. Yesterday there were clear blue skies, but despite that the sun had difficulty penetrating a strange obnubilate. Was it just mist caused by so much rain. I had my doubts as it was not at all humid. Was it maybe smoke from the wildfires in southern Europe, finally finding its way north, I even thought I caught a faint whiff of stale smoke in the air.

Whatever nothing stays the same, we are in a permanent state of flux and global warming is playing it’s part. It seems like the worse summer I have ever known and coming from England that is quite something. Even the forecasters are continually getting it wrong, predicting a sunny day with temperatures in the high 20s, when it turns out cloudy, wet and barely reaches 25 C degrees.

Still I could be in Kabul, so I am grateful for much about where I live. Meanwhile the sheep carry on as ever, never complaining, but then they are easily satisfied.

obnubilate: Meaning a cloudy cover, possibly not quite the right word but I liked it and had never come across it before.


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